In the nationwide ranking of sustainability reports, VAUDE achieved 1st place in the category “small and medium-sized enterprises” (SMEs). The outdoor supplier, which achieved an excellent result with 671 out of 700 points, was honored for best transparency regarding sustainability. Jan Lorch, Sales & CSR Manager at VAUDE, accepted the award on February 21 at the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) in Berlin. The independent ranking supported by BMAS is carried out by the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW) and the business association “future – verantwortung unternehmen”. In this 10th ranking, more than 100 reports were evaluated and a total of six companies received awards.
“VAUDE is thrilled with this great honor. It shows that the reporting on our holistic commitment to sustainability is comprehensive and competent. We choose modern formats that make it easy for our target groups to find the information they’re looking for. The jury’s statement that we are also setting standards for other companies is an incentive for us and a great reward for our fantastic teamwork, without which a report of this quality would not be possible,” said Jan Lorch.
Rolf Schmachtenberg, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Labor, congratulated the awardees: “These award-winning companies are making progress in terms of sustainability. With transparent reporting systems on their ecological and social responsibility, they are enabling their customers and business partners to clearly classify their services and, if necessary, demand improvements.”
Maximum transparency: VAUDE Sustainability Report
VAUDE achieved first place in the SME reports with 671 out of 700 points. “The sustainability report describes the most important social, environmental and economic impacts in the supply chain and at company headquarters. VAUDE systematically derives its fields of action from this report and presents verifiable objectives and measures. A “trafflic light” system clearly illustrates whether or not targets for the reporting period 2017 were met. Objectives that have not been achieved are also candidly addressed and clarified”, said the jury’s verdict. The fact that VAUDE is making a contribution to the common good, which is measurable with its Economy for the Common Good Balance Sheet was also emphasized. VAUDE publishes its Sustainability Report annually in accordance with the international Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standard, which stands for highest transparency.
The Ranking of Sustainability Reports by the IÖW and future e.V. has been evaluating the reporting of German companies on their social and ecological challenges and activities since 1994. It is one of the world’s first criteria-based assessments of reports in which companies present their environmental and social activities and performance on a voluntary basis. With the ranking, the IÖW and future e.V. are pursuing their goal of working towards improving the quality and transparency of reporting.
The Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IÖW) is a leading scientific institute in the field of practice-oriented sustainability research. It devises strategies and approaches for viable, long-term economic activity – for an economy which enables a good life and preserves natural resources. The Institute works on a non-profit basis and without basic public funding. www.ioew.de future e. V. – verantwortung unternehmen is an initiative of sustainably operating companies which pursues the goal of developing sustainable and future-oriented structures and combining entrepreneurial thinking with the requirements of sustainable management.
More information on the ranking.