Announcing the 2022 Youth Skyrunning World Championships it’s time for the new generation of skyrunners to save the date and get the adrenaline flowing for a shot at the medals and share the international stage with some hot competition.
The events will take place on July 22 and 24, 2022 in the Principality of Andorra in Arinsal, Vallnord, which will host the championships for the second time round after the successful 2017 edition, this time, also open to 15-year-olds.
The future skyrunning stars will battle for the VERTICAL and SKY titles together with a COMBINED title based on the sum of the two disciplines.
A total of 57 medals are at stake, distributed across three age group categories: Youth A (15-17), Youth B (18-20) and U23 (21-23). Individual medals will be awarded to the winners of each event.
The VERTICAL discipline will be run on a tough Vertical Kilometer® course – 3.5 km long with 1,000m vertical climb topping out at 2,570m altitude.
The SKY will be run on a specially designed course to meet the Youth parameters: 18 km with 1,500m vertical climb for the B and U23 categories; and 14 km with 1,400m vertical climb for the youngest 15-17 year-old A category.
Now celebrating their sixth edition, the Youth Skyrunning World Championships saw, despite covid travel restrictions, 19 nations participate in the postponed 2020 edition held this year in Gran Sasso, Italy. Spain, Norway and Italy headed the country rankings.
The Youth Skyrunning World Championships, held annually since 2016, are aimed at developing and promoting the sport for the future and are supported in part by contributions from ISF members. The Championships are organised in collaboration with FAM – Federació Andorrana de Muntanysme, the ISF Member for Andorra, together with OCI Sport, organisers of the recent 2020 Skyrunning World Championships held in Spain.
WADA anti-doping tests will be carried out.