The year 1865 marked the apotheosis of the golden age of « conquering » the summits of the Alps, and the Piolets d’Or 2015 will be the occasion to announce a…
The year 1865 marked the apotheosis of the golden age of « conquering » the summits of the Alps, and the Piolets d’Or 2015 will be the occasion to announce a…
The total amount collected by EOCA (European Outdoor Conservation Association) from the recent ISPO trade show in Munich came to record €8556 this year.
In a European survey the ski website “Snowplaza” has determined the best ski resorts in the Alps. Among the top 20 ski resorts is also Val Gardena as the best…
What is Mammut interpretation of PrimaLoft® Insulation Down Blend Technology? At ISPO 2015, Björn Bellert (Global Product Manager Mammut) explains how Mammut combines natural insulation with the synthetic one. The result is a multipurpose effect made possible thanks to PrimaLoft® technology.
ISPO 2015, Tanya Bascombe (General Manager EOCA) updates us on the latest EOCA achievements: new members, public vote project and the important aims reached during the last months.
PrimaLoft® Silver Insulation Active answers the challenge of keeping consumers warm and dry during high-aerobic activities.
ISPO 2015, Achim Löffler (Global Business Leader Footwear) describes the impact of the new GORE-TEX® Surround Technology on the market.
Written by top sports event organizer Filippo Bazzanella and sports communications/operations manager Egon Theiner, “MUST HAVE. NICE 2 HAVE” examines how major sports events are organized and gives an in-depth look into the synergies between sports, media, politics and business.
On the second leg of the 2015 Vertical World Circuit, the 2014 world champion together with past winners here will race the 920 steps of the 199-metre building
At ISPO 2015, Pierluigi Merengon (Commercial Manager – Rock Experience) presents the Eagle, Icefall, Muscle e Ares jackets by Rock Experience.