ARTILECT is First North American Brand to Adopt the Touchlink™ Zipper and First in the World to Integrate YKK’s New PU Conceal and User-Repairable Zippers.
ARTILECT is First North American Brand to Adopt the Touchlink™ Zipper and First in the World to Integrate YKK’s New PU Conceal and User-Repairable Zippers.
When you are on the edge and have to raise the bar so high to achieve success, even the smallest of details does play a part: we are talking about apparently minor details…
Following cancelled races in 2021 due to an outbreak of Covid in the area, the 2022 edition of the Lauberhorn World Cup ski races is due to take place from January…
Ecodown® Fibers Genius ages like a fine wine: it’s the only free fiber solution so durable that it becomes up to 10% warmer after washing.
The new Garmont® Tower Trek GTX model was born from the idea of being able to get to the top of the mountain while enjoying the walk, effortlessly and without worries…
The Kendal Mountain Tour brings the best adventure films and guest speakers to venues across the UK, and around the world.
EOCA is delighted to announce that, thanks to the continued support of all of its members, and due to the extraordinary fundraising activities they have carried out…
Announcing the 2022 Youth Skyrunning World Championships it’s time for the new generation of skyrunners to save the date and get…
The company from Trentino will supply the official uniforms to the National Team of the prestigious Swiss Alpine Club..
Last year the first edition of the Villars Ultraks took place in Villars. Despite a difficult period in terms of health, we were already fully booked several months…