EOS 2023: Video spot and all the interviews

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The European OutDoor Summit 2023 has been hailed as a big success. Hosted in Berlin, the two-day event had the theme ‘The New Era: Business and Beyond’ and explored a wide range of major topics that face the outdoor industry, business and society in general. This edition is over, but EOG is already thinking about the next one that will be hosted in the UK. But before thinking about the future, let’s review the concepts touched during the two days in Germany.

Mountainblog presents a special web reportage packed with information and insights: the voices of speakers and protagonists recorded at the Summit. Click on the grey labels below to watch the different interviews:







Interview With Tara PJ Stevens and Karla Morales-Lee


Post-covid, the war on talent is a high-stakes initiative that companies can't afford to loose. And yet, it can seem an impossible task for senior leaders to confidently invest in people in an unforgiving economic climate. How do companies know not just the right things to invest, but the best for measurable impact? ...


Read ” European Outdoor Summit hailed a success after hundreds attend in Berlin” at this link. 


Interviews: Jessica Ceotto
Video editing: Andrea Monticelli.