Icebug Protects Old Growth Forest

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On United Nations’ International Day of Forests, the European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA) is celebrating efforts being undertaken by member, Icebug, to support old-growth forest in Sweden, protecting them in perpetuity.

Primary and old-growth forests play an irreplaceable role in biodiversity conservation, climate regulation, water filtration and the maintaining healthy ecosystems. (1) Providing habitat for many of the EU’s endangered and endemic species, they are prime examples of our natural heritage. Yet old-growth forests are rare and threatened habitats, and often small, and fragmented, making up just 3% of the EU’s total forested area and 1.2 % of EU land. (2)

Visionary Swedish footwear brand, Icebug, supports responsible forestry as part of its commitment to use less fossil material.  The brand has contributed NGO Naturarvet’s work to purchase and protect old growth forests in Sweden since 2017, ensuring they are never farmed, logged or sold. This year, through EOCA Summit Membership, Icebug is helping fund Naturarvet’s purchase of the Klingervattskogen mountain forest, a 117 hectare site of forest, bog and pasture, located 70 km northwest of Östersund, making up part of a forest belt spanning all the Scandinavian Fells.


David Icebug Store


Founded in 2004, Naturarvet’s vision is that all of Sweden’s animal and plant species that depend on old-growth forests should live in a secure habitat in viable stands. Having raised over 50 million SEK since 2015, Naturarvet has purchased 921 ha of forest, across the country which will now be protected in perpetuity.

Lo Jarl, General Manager of Naturarvet said, We are humbled by the great love for old-growth forest expressed by thousands of donors, of which Icebug leads the way as the number one corporate donor. Protecting old-growth forests is a top priority for restoring and preserving nature. A preserved old-growth forest means many lives saved, not just human lives…!”

The Swedish government is leading the race to the bottom when it comes to caring for biodiversity and old-growth forests…” commented David Ekelund Founder/CEO Icebug, “If governments of rich countries are more interested in making a quick profit, framing it as sustainable forestry, how can we expect anyone else to support life on this planet? Icebug is happy to donate through EOCA, and committed to raising our voice on this issue. We hope more brands and companies will join!”


David Kalhygge


Dan Yates, Executive Director of EOCA added,“Forest ecosystems, in particular old-growth and primary forests, are critical for the future of our planet. The latest IPBES report listed Forest Conservation as a key response option to the ecological crisis and EOCA has made that a key priority for both its granting and advocacy work.”

EOCA has long been active in forest protection, and helped fund Naturarvet twice before.  It has active forest projects running currently in Borneo, Columbia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil, Ecuador, and the Czech Republic.  On International Day of Forests on 21st March, the association celebrates old growth forests in particular, and the work of organisations such as Naturarvet and their donors, like Icebug, who work to ensure permanence for these unique and irreplaceable places.

Photo Credits: Emil Lundström.

For further information on Icebug, Naturarvet and EOCA’s conservation work, please read more here.