The company from Ziano di Fiemme presents its first CSR document (corporate social responsibility) an emphasis on transparency towards it stakeholders.
The relationship between the company and the environment has always been a subject of great interest to La Sportiva, a company that has been operating for the past 90 years in the context of the Valle di Fiemme, at the foothill of the Dolomites, a world heritage site. For the world leading company in the field of outdoor footwear and clothing, the word “sustainability” takes on a deep meaning as early as 1928, the year of the foundation of the first artisan shoe repair shop, which evolved in the following ninety years into the global brand that we know today: sustainability means being part of the socio-environmental context in which the company operates, from which it draws its energy and inspiration which it then spreads around the world, always remembering to give something back to its community and the surrounding environment.

From this reality, comes the first sustainability report, a document that traces, through its sixty pages, what matters most to La Sportiva: man, the environment and their co-existence in mutual harmony, paying great attention both to the ethical aspects of the company and its daily routine activities aimed at reducing environmental impact and enhancing the natural resources offered by the Val di Fiemme and Trentino areas. Turning its attention to the environment and to its economic and social context, today means not only observing all the laws and regulations in force on this subject, but also constantly increasing ethical standards of sustainability and quality: “For our entrepreneurial activity these are fundamental values for the correct functioning and credibility of the Company towards it clients, suppliers and more generally, towards the entire economic context in which we operate.” Says Lorenzo Delladio, CEO and President of La Sportiva. “Being sustainable is a competitive advantage for us that we translate operationally into productive choices, conduct and transparency towards all our stakeholders: the CSR document is a clear, transparent and easily accessible proof of this. The recipients of the choices we make each day are those who work with and for La Sportiva S.p.a.: the employees, the directors, the control bodies as well as our internal and external collaborators who contribute to the achievement of the Company objectives in the field of management and vigilance “.
The document is accessible through the environment section of the company website at this link and contains updates and environmental, economic and management metrics that are able to bring company and stakeholders closer together.
INFO: La Sportiva