Eight months to go for the eleventh edition of the Marcialonga Cycling Craft and entries are now open for the cycling competition scheduled for next June, 4th 2017.
Many novelties await the competitors, and the organising committee offers the participants in the events of the valleys of Fiemme and Fassa an established relationship that allows them to enrol early, fully aware that they will be able to count on professional assistance, perfect organisation, competence, quality and several gadgets and interesting products in the race packet. The entry fee to compete in one of the two Marcialonga Cycling Craft distances (135 km for the long-distance event and 80 km for the medium-distance event) is 30 EUR until the 10th of October.
The participation is open to male and female cyclists members of sports associations recognised by CONI (the Italian Olympic committee) for the year 2017 and to non-competitive cyclists (only for the medium-distance race and with no official ranking) with medical certificate for sport activities.
The entry fee includes the participation in the race and the right to use all the services provided by the Organising Committee: Drink and food stations, technical and medical assistance, shower and pasta party, massage, bike parking and medal at the finish.
Marcialonga Cycling Craft is getting ready for its eleventh edition, following the long-established Marcialonga tradition, a name that evokes the beautiful landscapes of the valleys of Fiemme and Fassa in the Trentino region (Italy), where sports perfectly combine with nature: “This is what we want to offer to competitors: The thrill of the race but also a strong connection with nature, with its beauty and energy. This is how we imagine athletes during the race and their training sessions: Focused, spirited and at the same time physically and mentally connected with the surroundings”, an advertising campaign that the Marcialonga Organising Committee called ‘Embody Nature’.