Following the earthquake in Nepal, the Oberalp Group is organizing a relief operation for people in the earthquake region of Kathmandu. In addition to making an immediate donation of tents and sleeping bags, the company has initiated several efforts to raise funds and provide long-term support for the people of the country.

Ten days after the earthquake in Nepal, the Oberalp Group is organizing a relief effort on the ground for local people who have lost their homes. At this time, Schorsch Nickaes and Javier Martin de Villa, two coworkers of the brand are en route to Nepal with 21 six-person tents, 150 sleeping bags and mats in toe. With this donation, the mountain sports group with its brands SALEWA, DYNAFIT, Wild Country and Pomoca will provide dry sleeping places for around 200 villagers. According to local sources, there is urgent need for tents and sleeping bags for emergency protection from the upcoming monsoon rains. The 600 kg worth of equipment is being flown to the capital Kathmandu. Expedition providers and long-term partners are providing logistic support on site. The equipment must be transported to the hinterland by SUV and eventually taken to the village on foot. Local agencies Wild Yack Expeditions and International Trekkers Ltd. as well as partner agencies of the German mountain travel provider Summit Club are handling logistics on site. From Kathmandu Airport, a truck will carry the equipment to a mountain village in the Dhunche region, about 80 kilometers northwest of Kathmandu, where it will be received. Sherpas and guides of the expedition agencies will help with transportation and building of the camp.
Schorsch Nickaes, who has launched this effort and is on his way to Nepal with his colleague Javier Martin de Villa, chalks his motivation up to long-standing bonds with the locals: “We want to give something back from what we’ve received in Nepal over the years.” Having formed friendships with the suffering in Nepal through past expeditions or other mountain-related activities, employees of the mountain sports brand keep close contact with agencies on site.
One purpose of the relief operation is to generate strong support for victims of the earthquake. That is why the Oberalp Group is preparing three additional projects: first, the “upcycling” of old SALEWA coat hangers. They were delivered to the Design Faculty of the University of Bolzano; under the motto “Turning utilitarian pieces into art pieces,” students created artworks and everyday objects to be displayed beginning May 8 at the headquarters entrance hall, and to be auctioned on May 21. Caritas will send the proceeds of the auction directly to Nepal where they will be distributed to those most in need.
Second, a retail event is in the works. Under the slogan “Hold up a bit of hope,” Oberalp stores and POS locations will be handing out coat hangers in exchange for a donation. Participation is open to business partners and retail outlets of the Oberalp Group. The proceeds will benefit earthquake victims in the form of donations.
Finally, employees and friends of the company may also get directly involved in the donation drive. Donation boxes will be set up in Oberalp offices around the globe, and channeled to Nepal through a trustworthy organization.
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