The name says it all. Created by enthusiasts, top runners and finishers of the most challenging races of the world and destined for everyone who feels comfortable with running shoes, Wild Tee puts together the top quality materials and productive processes with fresh and out of common designs. Inspired by nature and animals, Wild Tee graphics cover your whole body and just like in a metamorphosis you will be able to unleash your wilder side, pushing yourself to the limit. Wild Tee it’s the first clothing line that allows you to run in style.
A true icon for every respectable trailrunner. The “tre cime di lavaredo” trigger us subjection and will to run for miles, it’s enough to just admire them to feel insignificant and ready to give your best. Doesn’t matter if you already mastered the Lavaredo Ultra Trail or if you’re looking forward to it, what’s sure is that this incredibly breathable and fresh Tee does look fine with LUT’s finisher medal.