On the 29th of October “made in Italy” products in the areas of the so-called three Fs: Fashion, Food and Furniture, were celebrated in Milan. Among the finalists were several leading Italian companies and their brands that stand out on the worldwide scene for managing to excel in their ability to enhance their own brand.
Following an analysis carried out by ICM Advisors (one of the organizers of “Save the brand” alongside legalcommunity.it, financecommunity.it, and inhousecommunity.it) involving over 1,100 companies with a turnover of between 30 and 300 million euro, 50 outstanding companies were selected that have succeeded in transforming the value of their brand in terms of growth and currently stand out in the market in terms of offer, positioning, image and brand equity.
La Sportiva, the company from Ziano di Fiemme (Trentino) world leader in the production of footwear and technical clothing for mountaineering, stood out among the finalists of 3F, for the ability to internationalize and develop business in foreign markets. With a turnover of 75 million Euros in 2015, growing in double digits over the previous year, the company led by the Family Delladio, has achieved excellent results thanks to its export activities that accounts for 82% of the turnover.
The ability to interconnect with the global footwear and outdoor clothing market, and a solid “Made in Trentino” production line has characterized La Sportiva as a brand of Italian excellence, able to compete in the global market, with brands from the 3F industry, a recognition that makes the Delladio family (now in its fourth generation) very proud, committed, as always to the growth of the La Sportiva brand with a global approach, thinking globally and acting locally.
“I am very proud and grateful for the recognition obtained as it fully reflects the commitment and strategy of La Sportiva – said Lorenzo Delladio, CEO of La Sportiva. – One of our main goals is to make known abroad the quality of our brand and the value of the Made in Italy that exalt through the style and the technical nature of our products and thanks to the Italian production line of our core products that takes place right inside the company’s headquarters in Ziano di Fiemme, in the Dolomites in Trentino. ”
Giulia Delladio fourth generation of the family to run the business since 1928, the year of its’ founding was also present at the awards in Milan which was attended by about 400 people including business owners and top managers.