Vinicio Rossi (Sales Manager) presents at ISPO 2014 the Racing and the Touring Collections by Cober.

Vinicio Rossi (Sales Manager) presents at ISPO 2014 the Racing and the Touring Collections by Cober.
Cober company was founded in Opera, just outside Milan, in 1947. During the years, the production has ranged in many sectors of sport goods (ski poles and bindings, roller skates, tennis rackets, bicycle forks and frames). During the last 10 years, the steady technical development of poles and the beginning of new sport needing for poles have led the company to specialize in this field. Now, beside the traditional production of poles for classic winter disciplines (downhill, ski touring and cross country), we can find summer poles (for trekking and nordic walking) and for other new sports (freestyle, freeride etc.) [..]
moreCOBER S.r.l. 20090 Opera (MI) - 3, via Ofanto tel: (+39) 02 57601341 fax: (+39) 02 57606667