Following the support of a number of its members, and the generosity of consumers, EOCA is delighted to announce that nearly €50,000 has been raised for conservation..
Following the support of a number of its members, and the generosity of consumers, EOCA is delighted to announce that nearly €50,000 has been raised for conservation..
Help Win Vital Funding for a Worthy Conservation Project! EOCA Autumn Public Vote is now LIVE! Following the rigorous assessment of over 200 funding applications..
The European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA) is one step closer with its application for the 2022 Earthshot Prize. After applying to nominating institutions, positive responses and confirmations of support have been received from two…
Thanks to the generosity of its members, the European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA) raised nearly €24,000 during its recent online fundraiser, held over Earth Day 2022…
Once again The North Face (TNF) is getting actively involved in conservation; using the European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA) to help…
The European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA) is thrilled to announce that its public online vote, to help choose the first conservation projects this year to support is now live!
Since the European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA) launched its Sustaining Membership programme in 2015, a distinguished group of companies have stepped…
Following the European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA)’s fundraising event for the Green (Black) Friday weekend at the end of November, the association is delighted..
EOCA is delighted to announce that, thanks to the continued support of all of its members, and due to the extraordinary fundraising activities they have carried out…
EOCA is delighted to announce the launch of its online fundraiser on and around Green (Black) Friday, to raise money for urgent nature conservation projects.