Welcome to a trailrace north of the arctic circle – Ultra distance in one of the world’s most desolate environments.
Tierra Arctic Ultra will starts at 06:00 AM on Friday Aug 7, 2015. The race is held above the Polar Circle in the Swedish mountains and follows the famous hiking trail the King’s Trail from Nikkaluokta to Abisko. Two distances are available the Tierra Arctic Ultra – Kungsleden 100 km (1600 vertical meters) or the Tierra Arctic Ultra – 120 km (2500 vertical meters).
The race is certified by the International Trail Running Association (ITRA) and is graded with two (2) points (Kungsleden 100 km) and three (3) points (120 km) on the 0-4 point difficulty scale. It is also a qualification race to The North Face ® Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc® 2016.
For questions contact info@tierra.se
INFO: Tierra Arctic Ultra